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Welcome to! Whether your night-cruising on the Information Superhighway, or specifically looking for information on the boas of the U.S., this is the place for you. This is the third major incarnation of this site and will not be the last, however, the focus this year is in content development and not that of site design. Many areas are complete, while a few may be catogorized as "work-in-progress" and potentially will never be complete. The gallery section, or more precisely, the photo documentary of the species Lichanura trivirgata is one that will constantly be added to over the years, providing a glimpse into the diversity, specialization and wonder of this great species. Also, the field guide section will take time, though we should see major growth over the next 3 months, and with the assistance and collaboration of a couple close friends, possible completion by years end. Thanks for dropping by, and check back often as there will be weekly updates and additions, as well as the forum, which is a great place to share your experiences in the field.

Jorden A. Perrett


This Month's Feature: Field Guide Addition

Chuckwalla - Sauromalus ater
One of the largest lizards in our area, the chuckwalla is a rarely seen, though fairly common lizard where it occurs... read more

The moon tool is coming Soon!

The weather engine is currently Unavailable!

main | natural history | taxonomy | captive care | propagation | projects
gallery | field guide | forum | acknowledgements | links | contact me